Intuition/Highest Level
Developing your highest intuition and inner wisdom
Big Picture
This level is populated by those who know who they are, where they're headed and what they need to do or become to get there.
Intuition is where insight, forethought and instinct take place. It is the home of vision, not just doing … and understanding, not just knowing.
Take Away
Intuition is not the level of the exceptional. It's the level on which you should - and can - live.

Intuition/Highest Level Affirmation: I've decided to value my whole life - body, mind, and spirit - not just one. I recognize that there is more to the world than what I can perceive with my physical senses. I choose to embrace my intuition as the spiritual part of who I am and continue to seek wisdom and knowledge in order to experience greater perception and understanding of the opportunities that present themselves.